
Is AI Joe Biden The Solution?

An argument for CTV as digital, 410k French vote online


Why CTV Is Digital Advertising and Why That Matters
Campaigns & Elections
"CTV leverages data-driven advertising, enabling precise targeting based on viewer behavior, voting history, interests, preferences, and demographics. This capability is a hallmark of digital advertising, contrasting with the broad, less targeted approach of linear TV ads."


It’s Time For The Biden Campaign To Embrace AI
"Biden’s campaign could instead set the standard and norms for what should be reasonable use of AI tools in the campaign arena. For example, disclaimers could be included on AI-generated content. This transparency could help maintain trust while leveraging AI’s benefits. Properly adapting to modern technology would also show that the campaign is agile and keeping pace with the times, contrasting with criticism of Biden over his age."

Biden wants to woo TikTok creators. But posting him comes at a price.
Washington Post
"The president’s personal engagement with a handful of 20-something social media influencers underscores his and his campaign’s imperative to forge deeper connections with young voters, as polls show his margin of support with the age group has dropped significantly since 2020, when they were key to his win."

Dems fear Biden's fundraising is 'cratering'
"Small-dollar fundraising has also dipped in recent days, according to one person with direct knowledge of the internal campaign data. The campaign is now projecting that grassroots fundraising will drop at least 20 to 25 percent over the rest of the month, according to this person."


Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation
"In our review of behavioural science research on online misinformation, we document a pattern of low exposure to false and inflammatory content that is concentrated among a narrow fringe with strong motivations to seek out such information."


Small-Dollar Donors Sue FEC over Disclosure Requirements
Institute for Free Speech
"The platforms would still be required to report the information to the receiving campaign, so that the campaign would know the identity and could make appropriate reports to the FEC if other contributions from the same supporter push the total over $200."


French Overseas Voters Set New Online Voting Record
Democracy Technologies
"In last week’s first round, over 410,000 votes were cast using the e-voting system developed by French company Voxaly. It’s a new record for France, and one of the biggest online parliamentary elections ever to have taken place."

#ukpolitics: how the 2024 general election has played out on TikTok
The Guardian
"Of the top 20 individual creators (ranked in terms of views per video), 13 were rightwing or right-leaning content creators compared with five on the left of the political spectrum; the others were neutral in their views expressed on election-related posts."

Social Media

“The TikTok Election”
"The most viewed video on the platform mentioning Biden was this one from a Portuguese language account (@ufologiamg) that posts conspiracy clips from the Simpsons. It’s basically a highlight reel of the President looking old and robotic, interspersed with scenes from the Simpsons. It's been seen 25 million times."

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