Best Practices

All Of The Political Campaign Software And Apps You Need To Win

Candidates seeking elected office need political campaign software to run an effective operation that builds awareness, recruits supporters, and turns out voters.

Candidates seeking elected office need political campaign software to run an effective operation that builds awareness, recruits supporters, and turns out voters. It can seem overwhelming at first having to choose the right technology for a campaign, but if you start by understanding your needs – the challenges to be solved – you’ll be able to build the right tech stack for a modern campaign.

In this article we break down the political campaign software and apps every campaign – from president to school board – needs to have and use to win.

Manage Supporter Relationships With A CRM

Even in the era of social media and smartphones, politics is all about relationships. A customer relationship manager (CRM) platform is the Rolodex of the 21st Century and they’re way smarter. Keep track of your supporters, their donations, your communications with them, and all of their contact details with a political CRM like

There are CRMs for every business out there and political campaign software is no different. It’s best to use something that integrates with the apps and tools you’re already using so the data stays in sync.

Contact Voters With A Data Driven Canvassing App

Where a CRM is useful for growing and sustaining existing relationships, a canvassing app is essential for reaching and mobilizing voters not yet associated with your campaign. Canvassing or door knocking apps (as they’re often called) rely on the voter file of registered voters within your state, district or county to make contact via phone, text, and going door-to-door.

There are many providers on the market and, depending on your race, you may have free or low-cost access to a canvassing app already. Get in touch with your state party to learn more.

Raise Money Online With WinRed

WinRed is the best online fundraising platform on the market for Republicans. It’s used by campaigns up and down the ballot so your campaign will benefit from the advanced features, large pool of one-click donors, and its integrations with other campaign software.

WinRed helps candidates raise more money online, but the campaigns must still do the hard work of building email lists, contacting supporters, and turning them into donors.

Your Website Is The 24/7 Campaign HQ

Everything your campaign does online and off should always point back to your website where a supporter can get trusted information, get more involved in the campaign, and take action as a volunteer or donor.

Voters turn to your website via Google and social media to learn more about the candidate, where he or she stands on policy issues, and how to vote. Your website should be professional and well organized. Ryvall offers Republican candidates affordable, build-it-yourself websites.

Stay In Touch With Supporters Via Email & SMS Marketing

Maintaining and growing your relationships with supporters – including converting them to volunteers and donors – happens over email and text messaging. As voters’ inboxes are becoming more and more crowded, texting is an important add-on to help cut through the noise.

Many email marketing platforms, like Mailchimp, now include SMS marketing packages. It’s essential that you use marketing software to avoid spam filters or getting your email account suspended.

Reach Voters Online With Paid Advertising

In addition to advertising within social media platforms like Facebook, your campaign also needs to reach voters on other websites with paid ads. RepublicanAds is an affordable solution for targeting and placing ads.


There are many additional political campaign software tools you can put to use, but if you’re just getting started, this list is the bare minimum you need in place. For a more comprehensive directory of campaign software, visit Tech.GOP.

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