Best Practices

TikTok Basics For Political Campaigners

If your campaign is giving TikTok a second look now, this post will break down the key features, some best practices, and tips for creating content that resonates on the platform.

With President Donald Trump’s campaign recently joining TikTok, more campaigns on the Right are taking a look at the social video platform. TikTok claims 170 million active users in the US and a poll from the Center for Campaign Innovation found that 1 in 5 self-identified “MAGA Republicans” use the app daily.

If your campaign is giving TikTok a second look now, this post will break down the key features, some best practices, and tips for creating content that resonates on the platform.

The For You Page

The For You Page (FYP) is TikTok's key feature for keeping users engaged and coming back for more. Unlike Facebook or X, where your feed primarily consists of posts from friends and pages you follow, TikTok's FYP is driven by a recommendation algorithm that learns your preferences and delivers a never-ending stream of videos curated specifically for you.

What's especially powerful is that even if you're a complete newbie on TikTok with no followers yet, you still have a shot at getting massive views if your video impresses the algorithm and gets shown on lots of FYPs. It's like having an opportunity to go viral with every single post.

Avoid Overly Produced Videos

When it comes to creating content for TikTok, you don't need a fancy studio or expensive gear. In fact, videos that look a little rough around the edges often perform better than slick, high-production videos. TikTok users prefer content that feels authentic and relatable, like it was made by a friend rather than a brand. Shooting with your smartphone, using natural light, and embracing a bit of imperfection can actually help your videos blend in and resonate with the TikTok community.

Just remember, low production value doesn't mean low quality – your videos should still be well-lit, clearly shot, and have decent audio.

Be Educational & Informative

Educational videos are a fantastic format for political campaigns on TikTok. By sharing informative content that breaks down complex issues, explains your candidate's stance, or offers a fresh perspective, you can provide real value to viewers. The key is to present the information in a clear, concise, and engaging way – think short explainers, myth-busting videos, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into the campaign.

When you educate viewers and help them understand the issues better, you build trust and credibility for your campaign. Plus, if your educational videos are genuinely interesting and useful, people are more likely to share them, expanding your reach on the platform.

Use TikTok’s Built-In Editing Tools

TikTok offers a suite of built-in video editing tools that make it easy to create engaging, professional-looking content right from your phone.

  • The Green Screen effect lets you superimpose yourself onto any background image or video, which is perfect for creating explainers or showcasing your candidate in different settings.
  • Adding captions and text overlays helps reinforce your message and makes your videos more accessible.
  • Voice overs allow you to narrate your videos directly or provide additional context. And if you're not comfortable speaking on camera, you can even use the text-to-speech feature to have an AI voice read your captions aloud.

These tools are simple to use but incredibly powerful for leveling up your TikTok content.

Try Stitching Videos

A stitch is a TikTok feature that allows you to incorporate a clip from someone else's video into your own. When you stitch a video, you can choose up to five seconds from the original video to use as a starting point for your own content. This is a great way to react to, comment on, or build upon other videos on the platform.

For political campaigns, stitching can be used to respond to an opponent's video, provide additional context or fact-checking, or join in on a trending conversation. When you stitch a video, your video will link back to the original, potentially exposing your content to a wider audience.

Keep It Short

When it comes to video length on TikTok, shorter is generally better. While the platform now allows videos up to 10 minutes long, TikTok itself recommends keeping videos between 21-34 seconds for optimal engagement. TikTok users tend to have short attention spans and are accustomed to consuming bite-sized content. So it's important to get your message across quickly and concisely.

Aim to capture viewers' attention in the first few seconds with a strong hook, then convey your key points in a clear and compelling way. If you have a longer message, you can split it into multiple shorter videos.

Trend Carefully

Jumping on popular trends and using trending sounds can be a great way to boost your campaign's visibility on TikTok, but it's important to use them strategically. Before hopping on a trend, ask yourself if it aligns with your campaign's message, tone, and target audience. If a trend doesn't feel authentic to your candidate or could potentially trivialize important issues, it's best to skip it.

When you do participate in a trend, put your own unique spin on it to stand out and make it relevant to your campaign. And remember, not every video needs to be trend-driven – focus first on creating content that genuinely resonates with your audience and supports your campaign's goals.


Despite the policy battles surrounding the platform, TikTok presents a unique and powerful opportunity for political campaigns to connect with voters, especially those who are younger and less likely to turnout.

Success on TikTok requires adapting to the platform's distinct culture and trends while staying focused on your campaign's message and goals.

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