
How The GOP Became The Anti-Tax Party – Grover Norquist

"It is a strategic move to allow unknown people running for office for the first time to have a track record."

Grover Norquist is founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform. Since 1985, Grover and ATR have been a fixture of Republican politics, shaping the party’s dedication to cutting taxes. In our conversation, we discuss the origins of ATR, the keys to its long-lasting success, and lessons for other organizational entrepreneurs.


  • The Taxpayer Protection Pledge has been a key factor in the success of Americans for Tax Reform and has shaped the Republican Party's dedication to cutting taxes.
  • The Wednesday meeting, a must-attend event in Washington, D.C., is the personification of the Republican Party's structure and allows for a grounded understanding of what's happening at the federal, state, and international levels.
  • Organizations should focus on creating something that isn't already there and sell others on the idea by demonstrating its success.
  • State-level reforms have the power to change the world, and many initiatives that have succeeded at the state level have influenced policies at the federal level.
  • Reforming state pensions could be the next pressing issue calling for its own version of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.

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