Best Practices

13 Social Media Posts Every Campaign Should Do Before Election Day

Now is the time to map out your digital content calendar for the final stretch.

Campaigns are counting down the days before the Election and early voting will start soon as well. Now is the time to map out your digital content calendar for the final stretch. 

Here are 13 social media posts that should be on your list.

Volunteer Recruitment

Keep asking for more volunteers to join and put them to work. Voter contact at the doors and phones are the most effective channels campaigns have to convince and convert voters making volunteers extremely valuable. Share posts with links to the volunteer signup page and make sure someone responds quickly to new recruits.

Volunteer Appreciation

Your campaign’s volunteers are hard at work knocking on doors, attending events, making calls, and sending texts. Post photos of them in action, give them shout outs from the candidate, and share their own social posts. Not only is this gratitude important to volunteers, it will draw in new volunteers when they see your appreciation.

Issue Positions

Voters like to do their research on the issues that matter to them. Share more information about where the candidate stands on key election topics. These can be photos, videos, or text and should be sourced from content you’ve already produced.

Get Yard Signs

Supporters love yard signs. It’s a great way to capture data via social media by sharing your yard sign request form. 

Event Turnout

Pack out your events by promoting them on social media. It’s also another method for gathering signups for potential volunteers, donors, and voters. 

Cross Promote Other Social Channels

Make sure your followers know you’re active on other social media channels by cross promoting them. Let Facebook followers know you’re on Twitter, Twitter followers know you’re on Instagram, and Instagram followers know you’re on Facebook. 

Promote Content from Others On the Ticket

Sharing content from other candidates on the ballot will help you fill out your content calendar and boost turnout overall. Keep a list of accounts and make sure you share posts from them a few times a week. 

Debate & Forum Details

Share information about where voters can attend or watch debates and forums with the candidates. As local media declines across the country, many voters may not know they’re happening unless you tell them. 

Voter Registration Reminders

One in three Americans whose main source of information is social media aren’t registered to vote. Make sure your followers are! Remind them about deadlines and share information about how to register. 

Early Voting Information

Keep your followers up to date about early voting opportunities and how they can vote by mail. Getting your most engaged supporters to the polls early frees up your campaign to persuade and turn out more voters. 

Plan To Vote

When a voter has a plan to vote – how, when, and where – they are significantly more likely to turnout. Create a form or handout that helps a supporter identify if they will vote in-person or by mail, early or on election day, and where they’ll cast their ballot. If you capture their data, you can also send them reminders. 

Vote Tripling

Asking a supporter to invite three more friends to vote (a tactic called vote tripling), is another proven method for boosting turnout. Share a post with a vote tripling pledge and a script for texting three friends to vote. 

Find Your Polling Place

Much like building a plan to vote, knowing where to vote helps ensure voters follow through and turnout for your campaign. Share reliable, accurate information about polling places and what voters need to do (like bring ID). 


With this list, your campaign will have ample social media content leading to Election Day. Even better, many of these posts are evergreen and can be scheduled ahead of time.

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