Best Practices

14 Blog Post Prompts For Your Campaign Website

Much of the work you’re already doing for a campaign can easily be transformed into a blog post.

Blog posts are an important content type for your digital campaign. They add variety to your social media feed, can be repurposed many different ways, give returning website visitors something new to read, and improve your search engine rankings. Much of the work you’re already doing for a campaign can easily be transformed into a blog post.

Here are 14 topic ideas to help you write a blog post for your campaign website.

1. Previous Jobs

What did the candidate do before getting into politics? What did they learn? 

2. Policy In Your Own Words

Take a key policy issue and reframe it in more conversational language.

3. Policy Solutions

Outline specific solutions to a given challenge. 

4. Elected Office Explained

Why does the elected office you’re campaigning for matter to the voter and impact their daily lives?

5. Campaign Trail Recap

Pictures and photos of everything you did last week.

6. Campaign Behind the Scenes

Share what goes into shooting a commercial or preparing for a forum.

7. Ways to Volunteer

Describe the different ways (besides door knocking) that a supporter can volunteer for the campaign.

8. How Donations are Spent

Break down the different activities that your campaign uses or needs funding for.

9. Reply To Frequently Asked Questions

Create evergreen content in the form of responses to questions you often get on the campaign trail.

10. Why I'm a Republican

Have the candidate explain in their own words why he or she belongs to the GOP

11. Reformat Press Releases

When you send out a press release, change the format slightly and you have a ready-made blog post.

12. Excerpt News Coverage

Take news coverage about the campaign and wrap it in commentary to highlight key parts or fact check misleading information.

13. Transcribe Interviews

Use a transcription service like Rev to transcribe TV or radio interviews and format them as a blog post.

14. List Accomplishments in Key Areas

Arm supporters by listing specific actions your candidate has taken to address important issues affecting voters.

According to the Center for Campaign Innovation’s 2022 Post-Election Survey, 49% of voters searched online for additional information about a candidate, but only 27% visited the campaign’s website. Ensure those voters get their information directly from you with engaging blog posts.

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