Best Practices

4 Digital Campaign New Year’s Resolutions For 2024

For campaigners, 2024 is going to be a busy year filled with lots of surprises, but keeping these New Year’s Resolutions will serve you well online and off.

As a new year dawns and the 2024 election season officially begins, it’s time to set your New Year’s Resolutions. In addition to the personal and professional goals you set, here are 4 resolutions for your digital campaign in the new year.

Put Supporters First

A simple shift in mindset is all it takes to unleash the potential of your campaign’s most enthusiastic supporters. Beyond treating supporters with respect, this means making them – not your candidate – the hero of your campaign. The best way to do this is in your copywriting for social media, email, and web. Why does it matter to them? How are you helping them? Is this worth their limited time and attention?

In a world where everyone is taking, being generous sets you apart.

Use Data

Our campaigns are great at collecting lots and lots of data from our interactions with voters, but are you actually using it to make your campaign smarter and more effective? It’s been my experience that data often stays in its silo, not talking to anyone else.

Resolve to identify at least one way to enhance your campaign with data collected about supporters. That could be a new email segment, a custom Facebook audience, or a P2P texting universe.

Invest Early

The sooner you invest in your digital campaign, the sooner you’ll enjoy a positive return. Whether that’s implementing the right software or spending on list building, committing resources early is essential to success.

Delaying expenses to “boost” cash on hand or “help” your burn rate is only hurting your campaign.

Be Consistent

Just like a diet or exercise plan that might be part of your personal New Year’s Resolution only works if you stick with it, an effective digital campaign is about maintaining consistency, building habits, and growing with repetitions. Sending a basic email update to supporters every week on schedule will have more impact than sending one “newsletter” a month. Posting daily to a handful of social media platforms drives more engagement than sporadic posts across a dozen different networks.


For campaigners, 2024 is going to be a busy year filled with lots of surprises, but keeping these New Year’s Resolutions will serve you well online and off.

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