Best Practices

4 Ways To Get Inspiration For Your Campaign’s Digital Content

As the saying goes, “good artists borrow, great artists steal.” Great content creators are always looking for their next idea and these tools will ensure you never run out of inspiration.

Running an effective digital campaign that grows and engages an audience of supporters means producing a steady stream of content for social media, websites, emails, and texts. Generating ideas for this content is often the biggest hurdle for most campaigners.

The best way to get inspiration is to look at other campaigns, political influencers, and even brands in other industries. Doing this in an organized, strategic manner will help you identify trends and understand what resonates with your audience. 

Before you get started, come up with a system for collecting your inspiration in a “swipe file” that you can refer back to when you’re not feeling especially creative. Here are some practical ways you can generate ideas for your digital campaign.

Twitter Top Articles

With a paid Twitter Blue account ($2.99 / month), you’ll get access to a “Top Articles” feature that shows the most shared articles during the last 24 hours from accounts you follow. In one place after just a few minutes, you know what the most popular stories are and what influencers are saying about them.

Pundit Analytics

Pundit Analytics offers a searchable database of Facebook ads, emails, and Tweets from elected officials and candidates across the country. With a premium subscription ($59 / month), you’ll have unlimited access to a swipe file of the work from top digital agencies and national political figures.

Newsletter Reader

With a newsletter reader, like Mailbrew ($4.99 / month) or Throttle ($ 49 / year), you can subscribe to as many campaign emails as you’d like without clogging up your personal inbox and reviewing them on your schedule.

Marketing Blogs

Marketing blogs from companies like HubSpot offer additional inspiration for your digital campaign from other industries.


As the saying goes, “good artists borrow, great artists steal.” Great content creators are always looking for their next idea and these tools will ensure you never run out of inspiration.

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