Best Practices

5 Lessons From The Digital Hero Academy Online Training To Boost Your Campaign

In addition to the lessons and content, you’ll be matched with a digital coach who meets with you on a regular basis to track your progress of implementing what you learn into your campaign.

The Digital Hero Academy is a new online platform that will get you up to speed on the essentials of digital campaigning. They pair online video lessons, templates, and other educational resources with a dedicated coach that guides you through implementing the strategies you learn into your actual campaign.

With more than 48 video courses, there’s lots to choose from, but here are the essentials to get you started. Register for your account here.

Here are five lessons from Digital Hero Academy that will boost your campaign and help you win more votes.

Understanding the Engagement Path

Voters your campaign interacts with online are at different stages of an Engagement Path ranging from Awareness to Advocacy. Effective campaigning is all about reaching the right voter with the right message at the right moment.

By understanding where a voter is in the Engagement Path with your campaign, you can level them up with the right message. For example, a voter who is just becoming aware of your campaign needs more information before they can make the jump to a supporter. Digital Hero Academy’s Engagement Path video course walks you through each step of the journey and includes worksheets to help you identify each of these phases in your own campaign.

Building Donation Pages

WinRed is a game changing advancement for Republicans’ online fundraising success. Thousands of campaigns are using the platform to raise more money online than ever before. You can’t afford to be left behind.

Digital Hero Academy includes the clearest, most in-depth step-by-step guide to not only getting your WinRed pages up and running, but taking advantage of every widget, upsell, and feature to raise almost 40% more from your online fundraising program.

Graphic Design

Learn how to choose a campaign logo that fulfills all of your various graphic needs and adheres to the seven key elements of visual design. You’ll also learn about tools like Canva and Adobe that will help you produce graphics that are perfectly sized for all of your social media platforms.

Search Engine Optimization

Get a crash course in the technical aspects of ranking higher on Google search with search engine optimization (SEO) tactics. You’ll learn about domain authority and other factors that determine how your campaign’s website appears in search results.

Then you’ll get practical steps for developing content that supports your campaign’s goals with Google Search and tools to help you find keywords that supporters are turning to for information.

Integrating Digital With Your Grassroots Campaign

Your website, email, and social channels are important ways to stay connected with the grassroots donors, volunteers, and activists who power your campaign. Learn how to create effective calls to action that engage your audience.

You’ll also get actionable strategies for how to build a community online by interacting with followers on social media that help amplify your message and grow your reach.


The Digital Hero Academy is a great new resource for campaigners who want to boost their digital efforts, but can’t afford a full service digital agency. In addition to the lessons and content, you’ll be matched with a digital coach who meets with you on a regular basis to track your progress of implementing what you learn into your campaign.

This post is sponsored by the Digital Hero Academy. Their support helps keep Best Practice Digital free for our subscribers.

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