Best Practices

5 Voting Details To Share With Supporters Online

Remember that the goal of your digital campaign is the same as your campaign – to get the most votes. Not the most likes, shares, or followers.

Nearly 1 in 3 Americans who say social media is their primary source of information aren’t registered to vote. As your campaign develops its content calendar for the final weeks before Election Day, get out the vote (GOTV) should be a core component.

Remember that the goal of your digital campaign is the same as your campaign – to get the most votes. Not the most likes, shares, or followers.

Make sure your online supporters are aware of these 5 important voting details

Deadline To Register

The deadline to register to vote before an election varies by state, as do the requirements. Check with your state and local election officials to get the most accurate information and share it with your supporters via your website, social media, email, and text.

Unfortunately, critical election information is often hard to find with poorly designed websites and ineffective outreach. Never assume that a supporter knows about key dates and requirements.

It’s also important to remind them to confirm their registration, even if they think they’re already registered.

Early Voting Availability

Early voting – whether by mail or in-person – is becoming increasingly popular and should be a key focus of your GOTV strategy. The more votes you can bank before Election Day, the more effective your Election Day turnout will be.

Explain the benefits of voting early to your supporters – avoiding long lines, ensuring nothing stops them from voting, and helping the campaign – along with the details about how to vote early.

Build A Plan To Vote

Research shows that helping a voter make a plan to vote increases their likelihood to turnout significantly more than just GOTV prompts alone. The plan should include how they’re going to vote (by mail, early, or on Election Day), when, and where.

You don’t need fancy software – a simple page on your website, a form, or even a PDF will get the job done – but the important part is reminding the supporter about their plan to vote.

Voter ID Requirements

Make sure your supporters know what (if any) voter ID requirements exist in your state and the acceptable forms of identification.

These laws may be new to them so avoid the risk of them being turned away at the polls.

Voting Location

Make sure voters know where to vote. The Republican National Committee’s is a valuable, trustworthy resource to send your supporters. It’s a better experience than most local election websites.


All of your hard work building an effective digital campaign comes down to GOTV. Don’t leave anything to chance or assume incorrectly your supporters know what to do. Now’s the time to make the ask.

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