Best Practices

6 Fundraising Emails Every Campaign Should Send

Email is still the king when it comes to online fundraising. Here are six emails that are proven ways to convert supporters into donors.

Email is still the king when it comes to online fundraising. Here are six emails that are proven ways to convert supporters into donors.

Welcome Email

There’s no better time to ask a supporter for a donation than the moment they’re first engaged with the campaign. Your welcome email should be part of a series that automatically sends when someone signups up to your list.

Fundraising Deadline

Deadlines are an important trigger to drive supporters to action. It can be a quarterly reporting deadline or a monthly budget deadline. Including a dynamic countdown timer in your email also drives donations.

Become a Monthly Donor

Monthly recurring donations are helpful for budgeting and a great way to put part of your online fundraising on autopilot. Let supporters know how a monthly donation would help your campaign, be convenient for them, and is a minor investment compared to the items they pay for each month like Netflix or Starbucks. They’ll also appreciate not being asked for donations as frequently.

Matching Funds

Let your supporters know that their contribution is being matched two or three times thanks to the generosity of major donors.

Double Down

Once a supporter is already invested as a donor, asking them to double down on their past contribution is a great way to move them up the engagement ladder. For example, if they gave $10 before, ask them to give another $10.

Donation Missing

Send an email to supporters who haven’t made a donation to the campaign yet and ask them to make a suggested contribution of $5. Emphasize how the goal is participation rather than This is a VERY effective email, but it must be done right so you don’t ruffle any feathers.

Download the Six Emails Now

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