Best Practices

6 New Year’s Resolutions for Digital Campaigners in 2021

A new year means a new start and while you’ve probably adopted some resolutions personally, take the time to consider opportunities for professional self-improvement.

Election Day was just a few weeks ago, but your digital campaign never rests. If you want to win in 2022, your work starts today. A new year means a new start and while you’ve probably adopted some resolutions personally, take the time to consider opportunities for professional self-improvement.Here are six new year’s resolutions for digital campaigners for 2021 that you can actually keep:

Post on Social Media Daily

The goal here is building a habit of consistency. It doesn’t matter how many likes or Retweets your posts get, but that you’re developing the muscle memory or creating social posts daily.Posting regularly is the key to finding an audience and learning what they like. After that, the engagement and other metrics will take care of themselves.

Create a Weekly Content Feature

Your digital campaign needs a weekly ‘long form’ (i.e. longer than a Tweet or Facebook Post) piece of content. It can be a blog post, a newsletter, a video, or a podcast. The key is that you’re able to produce it every week for your campaign.In 2021, digital marketing is all about content. Your candidate (via the campaign) must become a content creator. This resolution is about developing that discipline. Plus, you’ll have lots of great content for social media.

Learn (and Practice) a New Skill

A non-election year (for most of the country) is a great time to level-up your professional development. The best way to learn a new skill is to put it to use in a project. It can be something you use on the campaign or just for yourself.Want to learn about building a website? Setup your own WordPress. Interested in designing graphics? Start learning Photoshop or Illustrator.

Reply to Supporters Online

Digital marketing is a two-way conversation. The more you create and post, the more you’ll hear from supporters. Whether it’s emails, Tweets, or comments, you can gain some worthwhile insights.Be intentional about replying to your supporters. Answer questions, acknowledge complaints, or simply thank them.

Help Someone Learn Digital Campaigning

You know something about digital marketing and campaigns that someone else doesn’t. Sharing that knowledge with them will both sharpen your understanding, develop a professional network, and help another candidate.

Closely Monitor a Digital Metric

This year, choose one metric, like email click through rate, petition conversion rate, or monthly site traffic, and follow it closely. As you watch it, you’ll understand what marketing activities affect it and those that don’t.This cause and effect is crucial to keeping your marketing efforts focused on driving outcomes that matter for your campaign.It’s a new year and a great time to adopt some new resolutions!

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