Best Practices

7 Calls to Action for Your Campaign’s Peer to Peer Texting Program

P2P texts help your campaign cut through the noise and reach voters directly. They’re also a powerful tool in driving your supporters to action.

Peer to Peer texting, usually abbreviated as P2P, is one of the most important advances in tech-enabled voter contact in the last few years. With new software, like RumbleUp or OpnSesame, campaigns of any size can send text messages to voters at scale with the help of volunteers. 

Because the texts are all being sent by individuals to individuals, you don’t need to get prior approval from the recipient, although you should always respect requests to stop messages. You can read more about the different texting programs in this article. 

P2P texts help your campaign cut through the noise and reach voters directly. They’re also a powerful tool in driving your supporters to action. 

Here are seven calls to action to incorporate into your P2P texting program.


Email is still the most efficient and effective channel for driving online, grassroots donations to your campaign. P2P texts, however, can supplement your efforts by getting in front of potential donors you can’t reach via email, supporters who no longer receive your emails because of deliverability issues, or lapsed donors. Thanks to WinRed, many of your supporters will already have their payment information already saved, making the process seamless from text message to donation. 

Remember that repetition is a key tactic in online marketing so, for some supporters, this could be the nudge they need to click on the next fundraising email you send even if they don’t donate via text. Bringing in money early with a P2P program is a good way to get support for future texting efforts. 


P2P text messaging is more affordable – and effective – than many other alternatives, but you don’t want to rely on this channel for all of your communication with supporters. Use P2P messages to drive opt-ins for your broadcast text messaging and email programs. 

Permission-based marketing assets (owned audiences) are the focus of your online campaign and P2P can be a valuable tool for growing them.

Volunteer Recruitment

Use P2P texting to more efficiently recruit volunteers to help out on your campaign. Instead of spending hours calling and leaving messages, send a P2P text inviting them to volunteer for a specific event. 

In fact, most of your supporters prefer to communicate via text rather than phone. With P2P you’ll have a more organized and faster recruitment process that reaches more volunteers. 

Event Turnout

When it’s safe to have in-person campaign events again, P2P texts are an effective way to drive event turnout. It’s important to have good attendance, but P2P will help you fill the event with new people. 

Voter ID

A simple, one question survey delivered by P2P text asking voters which candidate they support is an easy way to ID voters. While not everyone will reply, this information will help you narrow your list for phone calls and canvassing. 

Once a voter says they’re supporting your candidate, invite them to get more involved by attending an event or volunteering.

Ballot Chase

With more voters likely taking advantage of voting by mail, use P2P to make sure your supporters turn in their ballots on time. Voters will appreciate a personalized text message reminding them to mail in their ballot and also gives them an opportunity to ask any last minuted questions.  

Get out the Vote

P2P is also the perfect, last-minute nudge to drive supporters to vote on election day. Remind them to vote and include information about hours, location, and ID requirements.

Getting started with P2P texting is affordable for campaigns of any size – even if you don’t have any volunteers or staff to help – and the results are critical for your success. 

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