Best Practices

7 Digital Marketing Tasks AI Can Handle For Your Campaign

From SEO optimization to data analysis and donation page improvements, AI can help you work smarter and more efficiently.

We’ve focused on AI's potential to assist with content creation for your campaign, but it can also help with more mundane digital marketing tasks. From SEO optimization to data analysis and donation page improvements, AI can help you work smarter and more efficiently. In this article, we explore how AI can assist with these key tasks.

Search Engine Optimization

While AI is shaking up the world of search, sticking to SEO best practices is still key for getting your pages to the top of Google and Bing. AI writing assistants like ChatGPT are pros at nailing the technical style needed for SEO. Just give them the link or text of the page you want to improve and the keyword you're targeting. They'll serve up content that's primed to climb the search rankings and get your page in front of more eyeballs.

You are an SEO content specialist with expertise in optimizing blog posts for search engines. Rewrite the content at [URL] to better target the keyword '[keyword]'. Suggest improvements to the page title, headers, meta description, and body content to follow SEO best practices and increase the post's chances of ranking highly for the target keyword.


An active blog on your campaign website is a great way to create content around campaign coverage, and AI makes it easy. Simply give an AI assistant a relevant article and ask it to write a blog post for your website. Provide some context or angles you want the post to cover, and the AI will generate a compelling piece that aligns with your campaign's voice and messaging.

You are a campaign blogger tasked with creating content that resonates with our supporters and reinforces our key messages. Write a blog post for our campaign website based on the following article: [Article URL or Text]. The post should summarize the main points of the article, provide commentary that aligns with our campaign's perspective, and include a call-to-action for our supporters.


From web pages and emails to ads and text messages, AI can help you craft compelling written content for any campaign need. Copywriting often takes time and effort to get right, but with AI assistants, you can generate high-quality text in minutes. Simply provide the AI with some context about your campaign, target audience, and the specific type of content you need. The AI will then generate copy that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your intended readers.

You are a copywriter for a political campaign, tasked with creating persuasive and engaging content for various campaign materials. Write copy for a [type of content, e.g., fundraising email, social media ad, website homepage] targeting [target audience, e.g., young voters, environmentally-conscious supporters, small business owners].


Answering frequently asked questions is crucial for engaging supporters and ensuring they have the information they need. To identify common questions, review comments on your campaign's Facebook page or emails you've received. Then, provide an AI assistant with access to your campaign website and materials, and ask it to generate an FAQ based on the identified questions. The AI can craft clear, concise answers that draw from your existing content, saving you time while providing valuable information to your audience.

You are a campaign communications specialist tasked with creating an FAQ page for our website. Using the following list of frequently asked questions and the content from our campaign website and materials, write an FAQ that provides clear, concise answers to each question.

Transactional Email

Transactional emails for actions like donating, signing up, RSVPing, or submitting a comment are a common part of any campaign. While these emails are often automated, they don't have to be generic. Use AI to craft more engaging and personalized transactional emails that reinforce your campaign's message and build a stronger connection with your supporters. Provide the AI with context about the specific action taken and your campaign's tone and style, and it will generate email content that goes beyond the standard "thank you" to create a more meaningful interaction.

You are an email marketing specialist for a political campaign, tasked with creating engaging transactional emails. Write a transactional email for supporters who have just [taken a specific action, e.g., donated, signed up for an event, submitted a comment].


Analyzing data from email, web, and social media campaigns is essential for understanding what's working and where to improve. However, creating reports can be time-consuming and require technical expertise. Simply ask the AI to analyze the data and create a report tailored to your specific needs, such as identifying top-performing content, audience demographics, or areas for optimization.

You are a data analyst tasked with creating a comprehensive report on our campaign's email, web, and social media performance. Analyze the provided analytics data from our email, website, and social media campaigns to create a report that highlights key metrics, trends, and recommendations for improvement.

Landing Page Optimization

A well-optimized landing page can make a significant difference in the success of your donation efforts. If your donation page isn't performing as expected, consider using AI to help identify areas for improvement.

Provide the AI with a screenshot of your landing page, along with information about your goals and current performance metrics. The AI can then analyze the page and offer suggestions for optimizing the layout, content, and calls-to-action to better engage visitors and drive donations.

You are a conversion rate optimization specialist tasked with improving the performance of our campaign's donation landing page. Analyze the provided screenshot of our donation landing page and offer suggestions for optimization based on our goals and current performance metrics.


While AI's transformational potential is exciting, don't overlook its ability to streamline essential campaign tasks. From SEO-optimized blog posts to analytics reports and donation page optimization, AI can be a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal. By leveraging AI, you can free up resources to focus on high-impact activities that drive campaign success.

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