Best Practices

A Simple Strategy For Syndicating Content For Your Digital Campaign

The goal of syndication is to create once and distribute many times.

Your campaign needs to create a wide variety of content in order to reach voters across the many digital platforms they use to get information about news and politics. From videos and graphics to written text and audio, the breadth of output can be daunting, but with a syndication strategy, your campaign can produce a steady stream of content. 

Whether you realize it or note, your campaign is already a content creation machine. Statements, press releases, emails, op-eds, speeches, interviews, and advertising copy can all be remixed, repackaged, and repurposed for other platforms. 

Commit To Creating Foundational Content

What is the output your campaign creates consistently and will have ready access to week after week? If your candidate likes to give interviews on the radio, it could be audio clips, or maybe your candidate is more comfortable writing op-eds. 

The foundational content for your syndication strategy should be in the candidate’s voice, ideally produced by the candidate him or herself. Curate the foundational content in a single place. If it’s radio interviews, set up a podcast feed. With op-eds make sure you host them also on your own blog. Keep it in a central place for supporters to go straight to the source.  

Map Out Your Secondary Content

Based on your foundational content, what can you transform it into? Radio interviews can be turned into short videos or transcribed into text. An op-ed can be recorded as a video script.

Identify Your Syndication Channels

Next, determine the platforms where you plan to syndicate your content. You can use the same videos on YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok. Text from an op-ed can be used on X/Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and email. 

The goal of syndication is to create once and distribute many times.

Create A Remix System

In order to be consistent and quick, you need a system in place. Identify the specific tools you’ll use and the processes to be followed. Video and audio can be quickly transcribed to text by platforms like Otter. AI platforms like ChatGPT can then remix the text into social media posts, blog articles, and marketing emails.

Other AI-powered tools can create Instagram and TikTok videos from audio. 

Follow A Content Calendar

With a content calendar, you’ll be able to follow your remix system more effectively. Good campaign content is evergreen. The topics on voters’ minds aren’t going to change, so even if the radio interview happened last week, the remixed content is still worth syndicating.


Remixing the existing content your campaign is already creating and then syndicating it across multiple channels is the most effective way to reach voters across the broad array of platforms they use to get information about news and politics.

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