Best Practices

All Of the New WinRed Features Your Campaign Should Use in 2024

If you want to raise more money with your online fundraising program, make time to enable these new features in your WinRed accounts. Most of them only take a few minutes to configure and then work all year long.

You already know that WinRed is the preeminent online fundraising platform for Republicans, having helped thousands of candidates raise billions of dollars online and building a network of millions of donors who can contribute with a single click, but you may have missed some of the new features they’ve introduced as campaigns prepare for 2024.

There are too many new features to highlight in just a single article, but these are the latest tools from WinRed your campaign should be using to raise more money, build better relationships with supporters, and win this year.

Build A Media Library

Customizing your landing pages is a key strategy for increasing the number (and value) of donations on your WinRed landing pages. Now, with the WinRed Media Library, you can build a gallery of stock photos and graphics to quickly build customized pages and test variations on your images.

You can also host images on WinRed to embed in email and other websites.

Easily Track Your Best Performing Channels

To improve your campaign’s online fundraising performance, it’s essential that you learn from what is and isn’t working. Do morning sends raise more than evening? Do emails raise more on weekends than texts? Does the campaign manager’s name raise more than the candidate on emails?

These are all question you can quickly answer within WinRed with enhanced filtering. Adding a “Source” label to your donation pages that describes the page, where it is being used, and when it’s being sent will give you easy access to the performance of your fundraising efforts.

It’s critical you learn from what is and isn’t working. Use the new filtering along with UTM codes to see what pages are working and what methods

Use Custom Donation Amounts To Raise More Money

We know from the field of behavioral science about the anchoring bias, which explains how individual consumer’s decisions are affected by pricing strategies. For example, $9.99 seems like a better deal than $10 or a restaurant may price their most profitable wine just less than their least expensive wine.

Now with WinRed’s dynamic amounts, you can personalize the donation buttons for each supporter based on their previous donor history. If someone regularly contributes $10, say, you can make sure there are as many options below $10 as above to hopefully nudge them to donate more.

Ask Donors To Cover Credit Card Fees

Your donors may not realize that a small portion of their contribution goes to credit card companies to process the transaction. The amount may be small, but overtime that money adds up.

WinRed now allows your campaign the option to ask donors if they want to cover the processing fee associated with their donation to ensure 100% of their gift goes to the campaign.

Avoid Expensive Refunds With Auto-Block

Donors to federal campaigns and PACs are subject to limits on the amount they can donate to an entity in a given election cycle. Some states also have donation limits. WinRed now gives campaigns the option to automatically block contributions from a donor that would put them over the limit.

Previously, if a donor gave more than they were allowed, the campaign was required by law to refund the excess contribution. The campaign still had to pay the credit card processing fees for the donation, meaning they lose money on the transaction. This new features cuts back on the amount of clerical work required to comply with campaign finance regulations, saving your campaign time and money.


If you want to raise more money with your online fundraising program, make time to enable these new features in your WinRed accounts. Most of them only take a few minutes to configure and then work all year long.

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