Best Practices

Build Your Momentum With Event Followup Emails

Campaign events are one of the most powerful tools for building a strong, engaged supporter base. But their impact doesn't end when the last attendee leaves the room.

Recruiting someone to attend a campaign event is a significant conversion, but far too many campaigners leave it at that and expect supporters to know what to do next.

Remember at the bottom of every marketing funnel is another funnel. That's where event followup emails come in - they're the key to solidifying the impact of your event, securing commitments, and driving further action.

It Starts With Data

You can’t email event attendees if you’re not collecting emails from them at registration. Similarly, it’s important to make a note of who attends versus who doesn’t. This is not only helpful for determining your attendance targets for future events, but also ensures you can segment your follow up email to actual attendees.

Act Fast

Timing is everything when it comes to followup emails. Aim to send yours within 12-36 hours after your event. To make this happen, consider writing the email as part of your event setup process. That way, you'll be ready to hit "send" as soon as the event wraps up.

Reinforce Your Message

Remind attendees what they heard from your candidate and the campaign at the event. This is especially important if the event was about a specific coalition or policy issue. Even though they just heard you say it, information gets forgotten easily and you should reinforce it multiple times.

You’re also training your supporters who are already bought in to be evangelists and this email can even be easily forwarded to their contacts.

Show The Next Step

It may be obvious to you what you want an event attendee to do, but you have to spell it out. Do you want them to sign up for a volunteer shift? Share your message with their network? Commit to vote?

Avoid a donation ask in your event followup email because time and attention are ultimately more valuable to a campaign (after all, that’s what you’re trying to buy). So don’t turn off an involved supporter with an obnoxious fundraising ask. Again, segmentation is important.

Showcase Photos Or Videos From The Event

To make your followup email even more engaging, consider including photos or videos from the event. Not only will this help attendees recall what they heard, but it also creates easy-to-share content that can help spread your message even further.

Close With Gratitude

Express your appreciation that your supporter made time to attend your event. They could have done a lot of other things and may have missed out on other opportunities. On campaigns, we think we’re the center of the universe and sometimes forget that isn’t the case for our supporters.


Campaign events are one of the most powerful tools for building a strong, engaged supporter base. But their impact doesn't end when the last attendee leaves the room. By crafting a well-timed, thoughtfully segmented followup email, you can solidify support, encourage word-of-mouth marketing, and secure additional commitments that will carry your campaign forward. So the next time you're planning an event, remember: the real work begins after the applause dies down.

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