Best Practices

Donation Page Dos And Don’ts

The donation page itself is as important as your list building ads and email copy. Don’t fumble the touchdown at the goal line by treating the landing page as an afterthought.

Your supporter has read your fundraising email or text and clicked through to make a donation. Think your job as a digital marketer is now over?

Not quite.

You have one final hurdle to face: the donation page. Donation pages are more than just a checkout page: They are your closing argument for any online fundraising campaign. You need
to make sure your page can close the deal. In this post we share six donation page dos and don’ts.

Do: Make Your Closing Argument

Your donation page needs to be more than just a request for credit card info. You need content - whether it is text, an image, or video - that motivates users to take the final step. And put your most compelling ask at the top of the donation page.

But don't get too carried away…

Don’t: Make It Too Long!

Nothing fizzles out a transaction faster than a bad user experience - so keep your closing argument brief. Ideally, you did the bulk of your sale before they got here: this is just the knockout punch!

Do: Consider Desktop and Mobile Views

Next you’ll want to make sure you consider every view potential donors will have of your page. Whether it's on mobile or desktop, the experience should be smooth and every visual should draw the users’ eyes towards the donation form.

Can they see the donation page content on the mobile view without needing to scroll, or do you have a massive campaign logo blocking their view? Are the fonts big enough? Do your graphics direct the eye towards the donation form in every version of the page layout? If not, you need to fix it! Even the smallest obstacle can halt a potential donation.

Don’t: Forget About Your Page’s Metadata

You should also pay attention to the elements of your page that you DON'T see. Here's a dream scenario: One of your supporters donates online and is so energized that they share your donation page on their social media and ask their friends to pitch in too. Ask yourself: How will my page appear on Facebook?

Make sure your page looks great everytime it is shared.

That's why you need to check your page’s metadata to make sure your title and SEO graphic are top notch. WinRed allows users to set default text and imagery for SEO across their entire account. Make an evergreen image to use as your default and know your page will look great every time it is shared.

Our favorite tactic? Add the campaign's SMS opt-in info to the graphic - it's a message that will always apply!

Do: Use Upsells and Exit-Intent Pop Ups

Give your users the final push into a donation with all the bells and whistles: add upsells and exit intent pop ups! These are easy to add with just a few clicks in WinRed's functionality.

Upsells encourage donors to increase their contribution to the campaign and their commitment to the cause. You can ask users to double their donation, or commit to donating at a later date.

Adding upsells are a proven way to increase revenue. According to WinRed, their most popular upsell - an ask to cover shipping or credit card processing fees - yields up to a 45% conversion rate.

Exit intent pop ups grab users before they leave with one final surge of urgency. With WinRed, you can easily customize these to match your campaign's message.

Don’t: Forget to Iterate Based on Performance

Lately, and definitely most important: The best donation pages are living documents. What works will change! Keep evaluating how changes to your donation pages affect your performance - and update them accordingly.


The donation page itself is as important as your list building ads and email copy. Don’t fumble the touchdown at the goal line by treating the landing page as an afterthought.

This is a guest post. Please contact us if you're interested in submitting your own.

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