Best Practices

Everything You Wanted To Know About Voter Files But Were Afraid To Ask

Your voter file is like a guide for your campaign. It tells you where you should be putting your efforts and how to talk to the voters who can help you win.

Campaigns at every level, from the smallest town board to the race for the presidency, rely on voter files to run their operations effectively. These databases are essential for targeting the right audience accurately, ensuring that efforts and resources are spent on those who are actually eligible to vote.

Why Do I Need A Voter File?

In the world of political campaigns, you’re not reaching out to everyone. Unlike businesses selling products like soda or soap, campaigns need to communicate with a specific group—registered voters. A voter file helps shape your campaign's strategy, making sure you're focusing on the right people. It's crucial for running a campaign based on data, helping you send the right messages to the right voters.

What Is A Voter File?

A voter file is a list of all the registered voters in a certain area, whether that’s a state, district, or county. Every state's file is a bit different, but they usually have basic information like names, addresses, and whether someone voted in past elections. Who can get a voter file and how much it costs varies, depending on the state's rules.

Where Do I Get A Voter File?

For Republican candidates, the state party can provide access to the GOP Data Center, which gets its data from the Data Trust, at no charge. There are also vendors that can help you get a voter file, and some companies sell commercial voter files. These sources often add more info to the voter file, like phone numbers, extra demographic details, and more.

How Do I Use A Voter File?

Voter files help plan out where you should spend your campaign budget and how you should target messages for things like mail, texting, digital ads, and TV. They’re also key for figuring out where to go door-to-door. Plus, these files can help you decide how to use media coverage to your advantage.

What About Modeling?

Modeling is about figuring out which specific voters you want to reach. Most voter files come with some basic modeling, and that’s enough for a lot of campaigns. But if you’re running a bigger campaign with more money to spend, you might need to hire a company to do more detailed work.

What Are The Limitations Of A Voter File?

Voter files aren’t perfect. They don't always include people who just registered to vote, and sometimes you can't use them to match voters with online ads. Even though a voter file is a big part of your campaign's plan, it shouldn’t be the only thing you rely on.


Your voter file is like a guide for your campaign. It tells you where you should be putting your efforts and how to talk to the voters who can help you win. It’s all about making smart, informed choices that get your message to the right people.

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