Best Practices

Five Ideas For Your WinRed Exit Intent Popup

With some customization you can tip the scales in your favor to earn even more conversions.

Campaigns using WinRed have access to the Exit Intent Popup Widget which detects when a visitor to a donation page is about to close the browser tab or window. The popup gives you one last chance to convert the donor before they leave.

It’s a powerful feature I use with every WinRed account. You can learn more about the feature and getting instructions for setting it up here on WinRed.

Here are five ways to create a WinRed exit intent popup that works

Communicate Urgency

You know why you want the support to donate right now: It’s your last chance to land the conversion. You did all of the hard work of list building, deliverability and inbox placement, and crafting a compelling call to action that got them to click, but for some reason, they’ve decided not to donate. They’re not likely to come back later

Your popup needs to have a compelling reason why they must give before leaving. It could be reference to a campaign deadline, a fundraising goal, or recent news, but the more specific the reason beyond a generic “before you go” message the more likely you are to earn the conversion.

Tap Into FOMO

Loss aversion, the fear of missing out, is a powerful emotional trigger. What will the supporter lose by not completing the donation? Messages like “we will fall short of our goal” and “your early donation is critical” can persuade them to act now to avoid missing an opportunity.

Be Creative

Try something funny or clever to get their attention before they leave. It could be a photo of the candidate begging or campaign staff looking sad. Standing out and earning a laugh may buy the time you need for the supporter to complete their donation.

Offer Something Special

You could offer a free sticker or campaign button in your popup as an incentive to complete the donation. This could be an upsell in your normal flow or a landing page you promote in the popup. The cost is worth it to complete the donation.

Have a “Hotline”

Your popup could have a phone number that a potential donor could text or call with a question about the campaign or help with donating. It’s a high touch signal that your campaign really wants to earn their support.


The WinRed exit intent popup is a powerful widget every campaign should be putting to use, but with some customization you can tip the scales in your favor to earn even more conversions. According to data from WinRed, pages that use at least one widget raise 7% more money than those that don't have any.

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