Best Practices

Get The Most From An Endorsement For Your Online Campaign

When a discussion about an endorsement takes place, prepare your candidate to make these specific asks and identify the right staff to follow up with.

Endorsements still matter in campaigns. In crowded fields, open seats, or with unknown candidates, the boost from a trusted messenger can push your campaign over the finish line. Successful endorsements also benefit the politicians who make them as they seek to grow their reach and influence. The best endorsements meaningful online support as well. 

For each endorsement you earn, ask your new surrogate to lend their name to your digital campaign efforts to raise more money, recruit volunteers, and turnout voters. Here are X requests you should make for every endorsement. 

Sign A Fundraising Email

If permitted, ask your endorser to add their name to a fundraising email for your campaign. Seeing a familiar name will get more subscribers to open, click, and donate – even on your own list. Some surrogates will be notable enough to warrant sending on rented email lists.

If you’re a state candidate and your endorser is a federal candidate, make sure your call to action and donation page comply with federal limits. 

How It Works

  • Draft copy for a fundraising email and send it to the endorser’s team for approval.
  • Remember to make the email evergreen so you can use it multiple times – by including more than one subject line. 
  • Agree to share any donors from the email to your list and rented lists with the signer’s campaign or PAC.

P2P Fundraising Text

When you draft your email copy for an endorser to sign, also include a few options for fundraising text messages. You can use peer-to-peer (P2P) text messaging to deliver the texts to your existing supporters and prospects.

How It Works

  • Use one or two lines from your email as your text message. 
  • Use a voter file or donor list to target the messages. 
  • As above, share all data you acquire.

Record Social Media Videos

Ask the endorser to record a few brief videos for your campaign’s social media channels. These should include a fundraising ask, a volunteer recruitment, and a get out the vote (GOTV) message.

Again, you’ll want these videos to be evergreen so you can use them throughout the campaign. 

How It Works

  • Send the endorser’s team a few bullet points for each video, like a specific dollar amount or the date of the election.
  • Use Kapwing to crop the video into a square or vertical depending on the platform and add captions. 
  • Pay to promote the videos to your custom audience and followers. 

Send An Email To Their List

Ask your endorser if they would be willing to send a copy of the email they sign to their own list. You’ll reach their supporters and gain access to additional donors. With a WinRed conduit page, you can even split the proceeds if you wish. 

How It Works

  • Coordinate with the endorser’s team on sending the email they sign for you to their list. 
  • Offer to split the funds because your goal is to recruit new donors. 

Post On Social Media

Take advantage of your endorser’s reach on social media and ask them to post an announcement about their support. 

How It Works

  • Let the endorser’s team know when you plan on making an announcement so they can help amplify. 
  • Share suggested social media text and graphics to make their job easier. 


With a little planning and knowing what to ask for, endorsements can make a significant impact online. When a discussion about an endorsement takes place, prepare your candidate to make these specific asks and identify the right staff to follow up with.

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