Best Practices

How To Choose The Right Technology For Your Campaign

Selecting – and using – the right technology is critical to running an effective political campaign at any level.

Technology is transforming every aspect of our lives – including how we run political campaigns. Though relationship building remains at the center of effective campaigning, our battlegrounds have grown to include smartphone screens, social networks, and Google Search results pages.

Most candidates announce their campaigns with a digital video and social media. Key campaign functions are handled by remote consultants and vendors. Complex databases of voter files drive key campaign decisions. Voter contact is happening via apps and texting.

As a campaigner, choosing the right technology is essential for running an effective race. In this article, you’ll learn how to select and use the software and apps to help you win your campaign.

Tools Only Work If You Use Them

Seeking out and paying for the right software for your campaign is only half the battle. If your campaign is not prepared to invest the time and money in making them work, you’ll be disappointed and waste precious resources.

Invest Early For Best Results

Delaying critical technology decisions as a cost saving measure can actually harm your campaign. The earlier you invest in technology, the sooner you’ll start to enjoy the benefits and the more time you have to fully integrate them into your team’s work. Most campaign tech snafus can be attributed to rushing a platform too close to an election.

Two Types Of Campaign Tech

Good campaign software can be divided into two categories. Tech should either make a campaign process more efficient by streamlining or automating it or function as a force multiplier for your efforts by giving more scale or cutting through the noise.

Remember The Fundamentals

Even with the disruption of technology, political campaigning is still about four key objectives: winning votes, raising money, getting attention, and upsetting your opponent. Any tech you use should align with these objectives.

Use Software Built By Professionals

The needs and requirements of a political campaign are unique. Whenever possible, it’s better to use software that was built by experienced political professionals to address the needs of campaigns.


Selecting – and using – the right technology is critical to running an effective political campaign at any level. By getting started early, understanding how technology can help your campaign, and focusing on the fundamentals of campaigning, you’ll have the foundation in place for a modern campaign ready to win.

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