Best Practices

How To Fix Your Campaign’s Digital Marketing Conversion Funnel

Continuously analyzing and improving your conversion funnel is essential to building an effective digital campaign that drives supporters to take action.

Having effective conversion funnels is essential to the success of your digital campaign efforts. The objective of a conversion funnel is to drive a supporter to take action by bringing them through a journey. Far from being static, this process is always adapting and should constantly be optimized. 

Sometimes, you can encounter challenges with your digital campaign journeys where supporters are reaching landing pages but failing to convert. Troubleshooting your conversion funnels will ensure your aren’t missing out on valuable action. 

Identify Drop-Off Points

To begin troubleshooting your digital conversion funnel, analyze the data from each stage to identify where drop-off is occurring. Look for any significant decreases in conversion rates or engagement metrics that indicate problem areas. Use analytics tools, such as Facebook metrics or  Google Analytics, to gain insights into user behavior and track their journey through the funnel.

Optimize Your Landing Pages

Landing pages are the goal posts for your conversion funnel. Make sure you set them up intentionally and revisit them often by testing different variations of headlines, images, copy, and calls to action.

Refine Your Messaging

As your campaign changes and progresses throughout the election process, your message should grow with it. What’s compelling to an early supporter won’t be the same as a post-primary supporter or swing voter. 

Simplify The Conversion Process

Streamline the conversion process by removing unnecessary steps and friction points. Simplify forms by minimizing the number of required fields. If you can, pre-load information via your email marketing platform. Remember, the conversion funnel is a journey so you will have future opportunities to gather more information about a supporter. 

Leverage Remarketing And Personalization

With remarketing pixels for Facebook and Google Ads, you can keep reaching site visitors with targeted, tailored messages based on the stage of the conversion funnel process they are. Some personalization about the messages they’ve already engaged with and relevant content will also help usher them through the journey.

Always Be Testing

A conversion funnel is never done. Use A/B testing on various elements like headlines, images, layouts, and calls to action. Keep an eye on the performance of your variations and adjust strategy accordingly based on your winners and losers. 


Continuously analyzing and improving your conversion funnel is essential to building an effective digital campaign that drives supporters to take action. Conversion funnels need ongoing attention to keep moving voters through their journey with your campaign – there’s no “set it and forget it” allowed. 

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