Best Practices

How To Get Out The Vote With VotePro

A new platform from the RNC offers best-in-class GOTV tools.

With Election Day nearing, campaigns are shifting their focus to get out the vote and more voters than ever before are expected to cast their ballots early. That’s why it’s essential to start early and adopt an “Election Month” mindset that equips supporters with the right tools to build a plan to vote.

A new suite of tools from the RNC, called VotePro, combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, allowing campaigns to create personalized voter experiences. VotePro's strength lies in its ability to transform supporter enthusiasm into concrete action. In this post we’ll explore key features you can use to boost GOTV.

The Power of Personalization

VotePro's Personalized Voter Portal tailors the voting experience to each individual, providing customized information and actions based on their location. Coupled with custom branding options, campaigns can create a cohesive, branded experience that resonates with supporters. This personalized approach increases engagement and motivates voters to take action.

Driving Urgency and Action

VotePro's urgency-driving features are designed to spur immediate action. The Deadline Countdown visually emphasizes critical voting dates. The Shot Clock creates time pressure for specific tasks. The Goal Thermometer leverages social proof, showing collective progress towards campaign targets. These tools work together to motivate supporters, transforming intention into concrete voter action.

Simplifying the Voting Process

VotePro streamlines voter engagement with intuitive action buttons for registration, ballot requests, and polling location searches. A Custom Election Timeline clearly outlines critical dates, ensuring supporters never miss important deadlines. These features demystify the voting process, reducing barriers to participation.

Expanding Reach and Engagement

VotePro amplifies your campaign's reach with its Social Share feature, offering pre-written prompts for easy social media dissemination. The built-in Sign Up Form grows your email and SMS lists, enabling ongoing communication. The Flexible Language Translation Plug-In breaks down language barriers, ensuring your message resonates with diverse voter populations. These tools collectively broaden your campaign's impact and engagement.

Data-Driven Campaign Optimization

VotePro empowers campaigns with robust data tracking capabilities, including UTM parameters, Google Tag Manager, and Google Analytics integration. This comprehensive approach allows for detailed insights into voter behavior and campaign performance. Additionally, form capture data enhances GOTV efforts by providing valuable information on supporter actions, enabling targeted follow-ups and more effective resource allocation for maximum impact.

Mobile Optimization for On-the-Go Voters

Recognizing the prevalence of mobile devices, VotePro ensures a seamless experience across all platforms. The tool's mobile-optimized design allows voters to access critical information and take action from anywhere, at any time. This responsiveness caters to modern, on-the-go lifestyles, increasing accessibility and engagement opportunities for busy supporters who might otherwise miss out on important voting actions.


VotePro offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline and enhance your GOTV efforts. By leveraging personalization, urgency, simplification, and data-driven strategies, campaigns can effectively mobilize supporters and drive turnout.

This platform, built by the RNC Digital team and provided to Republicans for free, represents a significant commitment to getting best-in-class technology into the hands of campaigns up and down the ballot to win more votes.

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