Best Practices

How To Grow Your Email List And Raise Money With Paid Search Advertising

Paid search advertising on platforms like Google and Bing offer an important lifeline that more campaigners should revisit.

As campaigns continue to struggle with growing their email lists and raising more money online, we’re looking to every possible solution. Limitations on targeting on Facebook have made it particularly challenging and digital campaigners are reassessing their fundraising funnel.

Paid search advertising on platforms like Google and Bing offer an important lifeline that more campaigners should revisit.

Why Paid Search Advertising?

The power of paid search advertising lies in its ability to reach people at the exact moment they're showing interest in your cause. Instead of trying to create demand from scratch, you tap into existing demand and engage with individuals who are already seeking information related to your campaign. Moreover, even if your website appears in search results for your candidate's name, paid search allows you to expand your reach and appear for other relevant searches where your organic presence may be limited.

Ensure Reach

To maximize the impact of your paid search advertising efforts, your primary objective should be to ensure your ads appear for the highest number of relevant searches possible. Start by creating a campaign specifically tied to your candidate's name. Then, expand your keyword set to include terms related to the key issues your campaign focuses on, as well as general voting-related queries. By casting a wide net, you increase the likelihood of connecting with potential supporters who are actively seeking information.

Achieve Scale

Paid search advertising works best when it is capturing the interest generated by your campaign’s awareness efforts. It goes hand in hand with other campaign activities, amplifying their impact. Paid search can help you reach individuals who are searching for information about your candidate or the issues you're addressing. By aligning your paid search efforts with your overall campaign strategy, you can achieve a level of scale that would be difficult to attain through other channels alone.


For maximum impact, it's crucial to ensure that your ad copy and landing pages are relevant to the searches being made. When someone clicks on your ad after searching for a specific issue, they should be directed to a landing page that directly addresses that issue and provides valuable information. By tailoring your messaging to the individual's interests, you create a more engaging and persuasive experience that increases the likelihood of them joining your email list or making a donation.

You’ll also save money and get more clicks.

Continue The Journey

Once someone joins your email list, your work is just beginning. Use email automations to nurture your new subscribers and guide them through the voter research and awareness process. Share educational content, update them on your campaign's progress, and provide opportunities for them to get involved. By continuing the conversation and building a relationship with your subscribers, you increase the chances of converting them into committed volunteers and donors.


In a world where Facebook ads are becoming less effective for list building and fundraising, paid search advertising deserves a fresh look from your campaign. By leveraging the power of paid search, you can reach potential supporters at the moment they're most receptive, ensure broad reach, achieve scale, and deliver personalized experiences. Embrace paid search as a key component of your campaign strategy, and watch your email list and fundraising efforts flourish.

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