Best Practices

How To Make A Social Media Moderation Policy For Your Campaign

A well-crafted social media moderation policy sets expectations for your audience, makes room for constructive criticism, and outlines consequences for unacceptable behavior.

In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling emphasizing the importance of clear moderation policies for elected officials on social media, it's crucial for political campaigns to establish guidelines that balance free speech with maintaining a respectful online environment.

A well-crafted social media moderation policy sets expectations for your audience, makes room for constructive criticism, and outlines consequences for unacceptable behavior. By implementing a transparent and consistent policy, you can foster meaningful engagement while ensuring your campaign's social media presence remains a safe space for all participants.

Setting Expectations

Your social media moderation policy should set clear expectations for your audience. Emphasize that comments and interactions are intended for on-topic, constructive discussions about your campaign's goals and initiatives.

Outline what is and isn't acceptable behavior, and be transparent about the types of comments that will be encouraged, tolerated, or removed. Setting these expectations creates a framework for your moderation team and helps your audience understand the purpose and boundaries of your social media comments.

Making Room for Criticism

Your social media policy should make room for good-faith criticism. Acknowledge that constructive feedback, especially when it's on-topic, can be valuable for improvement and understanding your voters' priorities.

Clarify that while good-faith criticism is welcome, personal attacks, harassment, or comments that violate your community guidelines won't be tolerated. Strike a balance that encourages open dialogue while maintaining a pleasant space for all voters.

Setting Clear Standards for Unacceptable Behavior

Your social media moderation policy must set clear standards for what is considered unacceptable behavior. Explicitly state that profanity, ad hominem attacks, spamming, and promoting other pages or unrelated content will not be tolerated.

Provide examples of the types of comments that violate your guidelines to help your audience understand the boundaries. This clarity will assist you in consistently enforcing the rules and maintaining a respectful environment.

Establishing Consequences

In your social media moderation policy, clearly outline the consequences for users who violate your standards. Explain that the first time a user posts an unacceptable comment, it will be hidden from public view. The second violation will result in the comment being deleted entirely.

Emphasize that a third violation will lead to the user being blocked from your campaign's social media page, without further warnings. By enforcing these consequences consistently, you demonstrate your commitment to maintaining a respectful and productive online community.

Implementing Your Policy on Facebook

To implement your social media moderation policy on Facebook, familiarize yourself with the platform's built-in moderation tools. Facebook provides features such as keyword blocking, profanity filters, and the ability to hide or delete comments.

You should regularly monitor comments and take appropriate actions when necessary. Use Facebook's "Page Moderation Assist" to automatically hide comments that contain specific words or phrases, streamlining the moderation process.

Publishing Your Social Media Policy

To ensure transparency and accessibility, publish your social media moderation policy on both your Facebook page and your campaign website. On Facebook, add the policy to your page's "About" section or create a dedicated post that outlines the guidelines.

On your website, create a separate page for your social media policy and include a link to it in your site's footer or navigation menu. Having your policy readily available will help address any complaints or questions that may arise regarding your moderation practices.


By implementing a clear and comprehensive social media moderation policy, your campaign can create an online environment that encourages meaningful discussions and constructive feedback. Remember, comments don't have to be a cesspool.

With consistent moderation and transparent guidelines, you can foster a healthy online community that supports your campaign's goals and values while maintaining a safe and respectful space for all participants. A well-crafted policy is essential for navigating the challenges and opportunities of social media engagement.

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