Best Practices

How To Strengthen Your Campaign With Competitive Analysis

In addition to getting a comprehensive overview of your competition’s online strategy, you’ll identify opportunities for improving your own digital campaign.

Competitive analysis is an essential part of improving the effectiveness of your political campaign. In addition to getting a comprehensive overview of your competition’s online strategy, you’ll identify opportunities for improving your own digital campaign.

The ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu said “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Competitive analysis is the process through which you can gain this knowledge.

In this article, you’ll learn how to conduct an effective political campaign competitive analysis with actionable insights. 

Identify Your Competitors

Beyond the immediate candidates you're up against, consider broader influences like candidates at the top of the ticket or national political personalities. These individuals often set trends and benchmarks within your political landscape, influencing voter expectations and campaign strategies.

Learn What Opponents Say About Themselves

Analyzing your competitors' messaging is a crucial next step. The Leesburg Grid is a helpful framework for articulating the differences between your campaign and the opponent’s. It’s divided into four quadrants:

  1. What you want voters to think about you. 
  2. What you want voters to think about your opponent.
  3. What your opponent wants voters to think about you.
  4. What your opponent wants voters to think about them.

When you take stock of what your opponent’s messages are, you’ll know what you need to rebut, challenge, or correct.

SWOT Analysis

Another framework for competitive analysis is the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis. Conducting a SWOT analysis of your competitors provides a structured way to evaluate their campaign in relation to yours. This exercise can uncover potential areas where your campaign can differentiate itself or needs improvement.

Measure Their Online Outreach

Examine the digital platforms your competitors are active on and the type of content they produce. This overview gives you a sense of their digital reach and engagement strategies. Are they heavily invested in social media, email campaigns, or digital ads? How effective is their content in terms of engagement and reach?

Tech Tools for Analysis

Leveraging technology tools such as BuiltWith can offer a quick and insightful analysis of the technologies and tools your competitors are using. This can reveal their digital strategy's sophistication level and the platforms they prioritize.


In the competitive arena of political campaigns, it’s not sufficient to focus solely on your campaign’s internal strategies. Conducting a thorough political campaign competitive analysis is vital. It helps in identifying new opportunities, understanding the digital battlefield, and refining your strategies for a more effective and impactful campaign. Remember, knowledge about your competition is a powerful tool in the zero-sum game of politics. By staying informed and adaptable, you can position your campaign for success.

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