Best Practices

How To Take Better Photos For Your Campaign Social Media Posts

The photos you post on social media tell the story of your campaign so it’s important to get it right. Following these tips will have you on your way.

Posting a steady stream of photos of your candidate out on the trail is an essential part of any campaign’s social media strategy. The quality and quantity of your photos correlates closely with the performance and reach of your campaign’s social media efforts.

Here are some easy ways to improve the quality of your campaign’s social media photos.

The Best Camera Is The One You Have

Your smartphone takes really, really good photos. You don’t need a professional photographer or fancy camera for every day social media posting.

Get Close

The one drawback to using a smartphone camera is that it’s best at close up photos where the subject is within 6 feet of the camera. This is easily overcome by going to the front of the room and taking a few quick photos at the start of an event and then returning to the safety of the back of the room.

Frame Your Shot Correctly

Always take the most flattering photo you can. That means keeping any empty seats out of the frame or moving the subject to better light. It doesn’t matter if the attendance is the best you’ve ever seen, the sight of a black hole or gap in the crowd will tell a different story.

Face Time

The best way to capture a candidate’s personality and build connection online is with closeup shots of their face. Avoid social media photos that could be a Where’s Waldo page or just a boring speaker giving a lecture. Include a mix of candid or posed group shots.

Multiple Choice

Always take more photos than you think you’ll need. It doesn’t cost extra and you can delete what you don’t use. The more options the better and you’ll ensure everyone that matters has their eyes open, aren’t making funny faces, and the shot isn’t too blurry.


The photos you post on social media tell the story of your campaign so it’s important to get it right. Following these tips will have you on your way.

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