Best Practices

Mark These 6 Digital Campaign Items Off Your List To Start The Fall Election Season

Digital campaigning has the distinct advantage of being nimble, but it’s not without hurdles that can cause last minute frustration.

Election day is just weeks away and with the expansion of mail and early voting it’s more like “Election Month.” For campaigners, it’s go time and the final days of a campaign move quickly. 

Now is the opportunity to shake off the dust and kick the tires if you haven’t touched your digital campaign in a while. Here’s a last-minute checklist to avoid predictable mistakes. 

Login To All Your Accounts

If it’s been two years since you uploaded a video to YouTube or posted on Instagram, take a moment to make sure you still have access. Passwords may need resetting, two factor authentication updating, and email addresses changing. 

Don’t put yourself in the position of trying to reach a former campaign staffer or vendor last minute to access a critical account.

Get Verified To Run Ads

Even if you aren’t planning to run ads, don’t think you’ll have the money to run ads, or don’t know how to run ads, do this now. It’s free, but it takes time. Facebook, for example, mails you a letter. 

Here are instructions for the main ad platforms for campaigns:

Since ad verifications came into effect several years ago, many campaigns have been caught flat footed in the final days of an election when they have extra money but nowhere smart to spend it because they didn’t have authorization to run political ads.

Get Registered for Text Messaging

Peer to peer (P2P) texting is another valuable, last-minute channel for campaign spending during get out the vote (GOTV). Campaigns may register with mobile carriers to pre-clear their texting numbers. Reach out to your preferred vendor now to determine if they require registration to ensure that if and when you decide to being P2P texting, you can get started right away.

Upload Custom Audience Lists

The most effective way to target Facebook ads is through Custom Audiences. Work with your state party to get a list of the voters in your district and create segments for persuasion and GOTV. Upload those lists to Facebook today because it takes time for them to be ready for targeting.

Take Photos

If you don’t have enough photos of your candidate in various situations, now’s the time to schedule a photographer to follow the candidate around for a day. Effective digital campaign content requires good photos. 

Record videos

Selfie-style videos featuring the candidate get more clicks at lower cost than other types of creative. Now’s the time to record a series of these videos asking for volunteers, donations, and pledges to vote. 


Digital campaigning has the distinct advantage of being nimble, but it’s not without hurdles that can cause last minute frustration. Get your to-do list done now so when the final push happens, you’ll be ready, too.

This post was sponsored by Campaign Headquarters. Their support helps keep Best Practice Digital free to our readers.

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