Best Practices

Send Better Emails That Raise More Money Online For Your Campaign With These 15 Tools

With these tools to help you send better emails and raise more money online, you’ll be getting the most out of your email list each time you hit send.

The bigger your campaign’s email list, the more money you will raise online. That’s the only secret there is to grassroots fundraising in politics. While the size of your email list is important, your goal is to have a large active email list that opens, clicks, and donates to your campaign.

Unlike traditional postal mail, where you’re guaranteed delivery as long as proper postage is paid, email faces a significant challenge in terms of deliverability and inbox placement. Here are 15 email marketing tools you can use to send better emails and raise more money for your campaign online.

Validate Email Subscribers

Sending emails to bad email addresses that result in bounces damages your reputation as a sender, but it also means you might be paying for conversions that aren’t real or aren’t taking in the true cost of email acquisition. 

Use one of these email validation tools to make sure only real email addresses make it into your email marketing list. You’ll also save costs on storing bogus emails in your email marketing platform. You can either upload a list in bulk or connect the service wherever you collect signups.

Authenticate Your Emails

Email authentication is used by inbox providers to verify that an email sender is who they claim to be. This protects their users from common cyber attacks like phishing and spoofing. The good news for digital campaigners is that you only have to set these records up once for your campaign. 

These tools will help you create the records you need to authenticate emails, protect your supporters, and reach the inbox more often. 

Test Your Email’s Design

Subscribers engaging with your emails is another key signal for sender reputation and inbox placement. If your email doesn’t look right to a recipient once they open it, you’ll miss out on clicks and potential donations. 

Your supporters use hundreds of different email inbox providers and devices to read their emails. Each renders the design of an email in a slightly different way. Use these tools to test the appearance of your email across an array of platforms to ensure supporters see what you want them to see when they open an email.  

Find Out If You’re On Spam Blacklists

If your emails are going to spam, there’s  a chance your domain is on a spam blacklist. The companies that provide these services also let marketers see if they are on a blacklist that might be preventing them from reaching subscribers’ inboxes.

If your domain is blacklisted, the list keeper may provide strategies or steps to get off the list.

Monitor Your Sender Reputation

Not being blacklisted by spam filters doesn’t mean you’ll reach the inbox. Your sender reputation is an important factor as well. It takes into account how many emails you send, how often you send, and how many subscribers engage with your emails. 

Some email marketing platforms include a sender reputation measure, but you can also check your reputation using one of these services. 

Measure Inbox Placement

The deliverability metric included in most email marketing platforms simply measures how many emails were accepted by the receiving server. It does not provide insight into whether or not your email made it to a subscriber’s primary inbox versus their spam folder or promotions tab.

These advanced email analytics platforms use “seed lists” to report on where your email is placed for various providers giving you a more in-depth view of your email efforts.


If your campaign is taking online fundraising seriously, that means you’re making a serious investment in email list building. With these tools to help you send better emails and raise more money online, you’ll be getting the most out of your email list each time you hit send.

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