Best Practices

Start Your New Year Off Right With These Digital Campaign Resolutions

Because your digital campaign is always on, it’s easy to forget to take care of it.

It’s a new year – an election year. Now’s the time to make sure your digital campaign is ready to go. Because your digital campaign is always on, it’s easy to forget to take care of it. Use the energy of the new year to make sure everything is refreshed, working, and secure. 

Here are 7 resolutions for your digital campaign’s new year.

Refresh Your Website

Your website may need a few updates or a total overhaul, but now’s the time to do it. Websites built on WordPress may need to update plugins and some content could be stagnant. Design also matters, so make sure your site has the look and feel of something built this decade. A platform like Ryvall can get you started with a fresh, modern site in just a few minutes.

Update References To The Year 

Check your website, emails, donation pages, and social media profiles for references to “2021” or “next year.” Nothing says “I don’t really care about digital” like outdated copy.

Confirm And Update New Donation Limits

For federal candidates, the contribution limit from an individual has increased to $2,900 per election for the 2022 cycle. Some states may have changed their limits as well. Make sure you update your donation pages accordingly so you don’t leave any money on the table.

Get New Photos

Your digital campaign – not to mention your mail program – needs photos. Lots and lots of photos. Schedule a photo shoot soon where you can get photos of your candidate in a variety of settings, wardrobes, and communities. You’ll need photos for social media and your website. 

Close Unused Accounts

If your campaign isn’t going to reliably use Instagram, Snapchat, or myriad other social platforms weekly this year, go ahead and shut them down. Don’t give voters the impression you’re going to engage them somewhere you’re not. You’ll just disappoint them. 

Start Using A Password Manager

Your campaign either uses the same password for every account or has a spreadsheet with every password or has no idea how to access many of its accounts or some combination of all of the above. It’s time to stop that – especially since campaigns will increasingly become targets for cyber attacks.

Set up a password manager like LastPass for your campaign and everyone who needs access to passwords. You’ll be able to easily create new, unique, and secure passwords for everything you use.

Organize Your Spreadsheets

Is really critical data like event RSVPs, a volunteer list, or an email list from your last campaign sitting in a spreadsheet somewhere? Do you have access to it? Get your spreadsheets organized and synced with the different digital platforms you’re using. is a platform built for campaigns that will help you clean, sync, and organize all of your supporter data from multiple sources.


A new year gives you a fresh start and may require some action on your behalf to keep the digital components of your campaign going strong. 

If you missed the Back to School Checklist, go here and follow those steps too.

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