Best Practices

The Power of Building Your Campaign’s Audience Today

Campaigns that build audiences – and build them early – have a superpower that other campaigns that simply pay for attention can’t match.

Modern campaigns need audiences to generate awareness, raise money, and reach voters. The most effective audiences are built, not bought. 

There’s power in building an audience early because audiences compound.

If you build your audience today...

You’ll pay less to reach them closer to Election Day. 

You’ll be able to rely on allies – not the media – to fight back against attacks when they come. 

You’ll have a pool of grassroots donors to help you survive the Democrats’ Green Wave in the Fall. 

You’ll have the freedom that comes from controlling the data and distribution to your audience instead of weathering the whims of Big Tech. 

You’ll have more successful events. 

You’ll have volunteers who can reach out to their personal networks with relational organizing. 

Campaigns that build audiences – and build them early – have a superpower that other campaigns that simply pay for attention can’t match. 

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