Best Practices

5 Facebook Video Ideas for Your Campaign

Video is a dynamic medium for you to connect with supporters directly, share your lighter side, and reach more voters.

Video is one of the most important pieces of content your campaign can share online, but too many campaigns stop at simply posting their TV ads on Facebook and call it a day. 

Video is a dynamic medium for you to connect with supporters directly, share your lighter side, and reach more voters.

Here are five Facebook video ideas for your campaign.

Facebook Live Campaign Events

This is probably the lowest hanging fruit in terms of social video. Simply make the events you’re already doing available to supporters online who might not otherwise be able to attend or didn’t know you were going to be in their area.

To do this right, you need a very simple tripod with a smartphone adapter and make sure the camera is placed close enough to you that viewers can see and hear you clearly. 

Answer Most Commonly Googled Questions About Yourself

If you’ve got Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools set up for your site, you’ll be able to see the most frequently Googled questions that bring people to your site. Create a video that shares your personality and answers these questions, like this one from Marco Rubio’s 2016 presidential campaign:

Live Q&A

There’s a reason the Town Hall format is a favorite on the campaign trail: voters appreciate it. Get on Facebook and answer questions from supporters. They’ll appreciate your honesty and candor if you do it right. 

Behind the Scenes

As politics is increasingly consumed as entertainment, your supporters want more access “behind the scenes” so sharing moments that aren’t political, like life on the campaign trail, cooking at home, or a favorite hobby are another great type of video to share.

Reply to Social Media Critics

Jimmy Kimmel’s Mean Tweets is a classic example of turning social media trolls into good content. It shows you have a sense of humor, but it also gives you an opportunity to respond to some common criticism, if appropriate.

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