Best Practices

5 Objectives For Political Digital Marketing

Political digital marketing is an essential part for any campaign in 2022 and beyond.

When it comes to campaigning, political digital marketing is becoming more and more essential. About half of Americans get news from social media, according to research from Pew. And while most candidates and their teams know it’s important to use online platforms for their campaigns, there is often a disconnect when it comes to the understanding of what the gols actualy are.

For many voters their first – and sometimes, only – contact with your campaign will be online. 

In this post we look at some of the objectives for political digital marketing to ensure you’re investing limited time and resources in what works. 


Having a professional campaign presence online with a well-designed website and active social media profiles is essential to establishing your legitimacy as a candidate. Voters, volunteers, press, operatives, and volunteers all regard basic political digital marketing as the bare minimum for credible candidates. 

Tools like Ryvall, Canva, and WinRed make it easy for even the smallest campaign to have a best-in-class digital presence.


Voters can’t support you if they don’t know you’re running. Professionals refer to this as “name ID” – what share of the electorate recognizes a specific candidate’s name. Political digital marketing is all about using the reach of online platforms like social media, websites, emails, and texting to build awareness about your campaign and the election.

Voters’ attention is so fragmented across different media today that campaigns must get the word out on every channel available, like TV, print, and radio – as well as digital avenues.


Fundraising is a key focus for most political digital marketing today because online fundraising is growing in importance for campaigns up and down the ballot. The vast majority of online donations come through email and texting.

The most successful online fundraisers prioritize growing their opted-in email and texting lists with petitions, surveys, event RSVPs, and list exchanges. 

Volunteer Recruitment

Volunteers provide essential support to campaigns of all types. Political digital marketing is especially well-suited for helping you build meaningful relationships with volunteers. Your top supporters expect to hear from you regularly online and want a personal connection to the candidates they invest in.

When a volunteer signs up, asks a question, or tries to help, make sure you have the process in place to acknowledge them and respond.

Earning Votes

The ultimate goal of any campaign is to earn the most votes and win. Once again, political digital marketing is essential for getting results. Use your online channels to register voters, spread the word about voting, and help supporters build a plan to vote. Putting together a plan can more than double the likelihood a voter turns out.


Political digital marketing is an essential part for any campaign in 2022 and beyond. But the winner of an election isn’t the candidate with the most likes, Retweets, or followers – it’s the one with the most votes. 

Keeping your digital campaign objectives focused and aligned with your campaign is the priority to make the most of online marketing.

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