Best Practices

Choose The Right Equipment To Create Digital Campaign Content

With digital content, prolific beats perfect.

Content is the fuel that powers your digital campaign. From emails and blog posts to photos and videos, the most essential platforms and technologies your voters use rely on consistent, quality content. In our latest guide, you’ll learn about specific equipment and tools you can use to elevate the quality of your digital media.

But know from the outset that hardware alone can’t solve all of your problems. With digital content, prolific beats perfect. The more content you create on a consistent basis, the better your results will be. I’ve seen too many campaigners (including candidates) use equipment as an excuse not to create content.

If you can’t afford dedicated equipment, you need to know that you can create best-in-class digital content right from your smartphone. This equipment guide is designed for professionals who are already consistently producing content for their campaigns.

There are three criteria I followed to decide what to include in the guide.

Campaign Affordable

I’ve taken pay cuts to work on campaigns before and I’ve gone into my own pocket to pay for equipment. These recommendations aren’t focused on price, but are intended to give you the most marginal improvement for your investment. A $6,000 camera will outperform a $600 model, but you won’t run a 10X better campaign.


Like every member of your campaign team, your digital media gear needs to fill multiple roles. 

Low Friction

The key to being prolific and consistent in your content creation is reducing the distance and time between production and distribution. On the campaign trail, you don’t always have the bandwidth to upload a 4K video file and it may be a while before you can get those photos off of your micro SD card.

Click here to download the guide and learn how to take your digital content to the next level.

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