Best Practices
The Rundown
7 Digital Functions Every Campaign Needs To Fulfill
In politics, “digital” can mean lots of different things depending on who you talk to or what an organization’s objectives are.
Use Slack Better On Your Campaign With These 9 Tips
Slack is the perfect tool for keeping your entire team campaign in touch and more.
Don’t Be Surprised By A Special Election
Here are preparations you can make now, before opportunity knocks.
Give Back: Activate Your Supporter Community For The Holidays
Now that the election is over, it's more important than ever to keep your supporters engaged.
Selling Success: What To Include (And Leave Out) For Your Post-Election Report
Creating a post-election report is a great way to share the success of your digital campaign with decision makers.
A Practical Guide to Organizing and Saving Your Campaign’s Data After The Election
The data you generated is an incredibly valuable asset.
Your Campaign May Be Over, But You Still Need These Pieces of Digital Infrastructure
If the next time you activate your digital campaign is for fundraising ahead of the 2023 Q1 deadline, you’ve made a mistake.
6 Ways To Thank Your Supporters After The Election
Your campaign asked supporters for a lot over the recent weeks and months. Nobody likes the “friend” who always takes and never gives
Your Digital Get Out The Vote Playbook
The closer a campaign gets to Election Day, the fewer levers they have to pull as TV advertising and mail become locked in, making digital a valuable channel for additional, last minute resources.
Be Prepared For Facebook Political Ad Freeze Period
The biggest mistake you could make is not preparing accordingly, so familiarize yourself with the rules and plan ahead of time.
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